Thursday, July 7, 2016

Return to Blogospere

What to say on a blog when I haven't written anything for a year and a half. It is just that when I am gardening I am gardening and when I'm on the computer I'm more likely to be working on stuff related to pollinators or something more fundamental like invoices and emails. But today amid weeds and drizzle I started considering what I could write about and came up with a list of possible topics. Here goes.

• Dead or alive (when to decide against a plant)
• Banishing bitter pit -- my new love affair with liquid calcium
• My tool belt (favorite tools that hang around me)
• Botanical Latin -- on not being a word wimp
• Hiding ones cuts
• Thinning, heading, shearing ... and hacking
• Fun with grafting
• Apical dominance, or why plants grow UP, and how to outguess them
• Good gardening books
• iPod companion -- some books I have "read" when gardening
• Going to seed  -- when to deadhead and when to leave it
• Biennials  --  valuable volunteers
• Vexing visitors -- Slugs, Deer, Raccoons, Moles, Cats
• Lawns, revisited
• Naps, candy, and other minor vices

Lots of topics, now I just need content and a photo or two.
